10 Ghanaian celebrity power couple who proved love in the spotlight is possible

Celebrity marriages have become very common in Ghana in recent years and they usually grab the attention of almost

10 Ghanaian celebrity power couple who proved love in the spotlight is possible
Celebrity marriages have become very common in Ghana in recent years and they usually grab the attention of almost everyone on social media.

Despite a widespread perception that marriages that are flaunted on social media don’t last, some celebrities and their partners have proven otherwise.

Below, we look at 10 Ghanaian celebrity power couples who have proven that love in the spotlight is possible.

Okyeame Kwame and Annica Nsiah-Apau

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Afro Yard

Afro Yard Entertainment is a vibrant and dynamic entertainment company that focuses on sharing captivating stories and promoting exceptional talent across all African countries. Our mission is to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and diversity of Africa through various media platforms, including music, movies, arts, and content creation.