Stalker Arrested Outside Taylor Swift’s NYC Home

Stalking is one of the realities celebrities face. Those who are more famous are seemingly at greater risk of being stalked.

Stalker Arrested Outside Taylor Swift’s NYC Home
Stalking is one of the realities celebrities face. Those who are more famous are seemingly at greater risk of being stalked. Of course, there is nothing funny about this, as anything can happen when one is being stalked.

American singer Taylor Swift should know. After all, she has been stalked multiple times, with the most recent incident being just a day ago. A man has been stalking her for a while now.

Days again, the stalker was arrested while trying to break into her New York City home. Recent events point to the stalker having been released soon after. End of story, right? Well, not quite.

On Monday, the same stalker was caught outside the same apartment in NEW York. The city’s police department confirmed the incident, pointing to members of the community having alerted the department about a person of concern in the area.

The police moved in quickly and arrested the stalker. That was after a brief resistance from the as-yet-unnamed man.

At the time of writing, Taylor Swift had not addressed the latest stalking incident. If she’d do that, and when, is unclear. For her fans, though, the important thing was that she wasn’t harmed.

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Afro Yard

Afro Yard Entertainment is a vibrant and dynamic entertainment company that focuses on sharing captivating stories and promoting exceptional talent across all African countries. Our mission is to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and diversity of Africa through various media platforms, including music, movies, arts, and content creation.