Scott Disick fans concerned over weight loss claiming he ‘looks gaunt’ in new video

Afro Yard
3 Min Read

Scott Disick has always been known to be the jokester of The Kardashians. Pulling pranks on Kris Jenner, from Art Vandalay to Todd Kraines, Scott has been keeping fans entertained for years. But, last season, fans saw him in a new light as he endured a health scare. Now, fans are worried Scott Disick is “looking gaunt” after recent weight loss.

On February 12, Scott Disick took to his Instagram page to share a clip of himself speaking with a psychic medium. The post immediately had fans commenting on Scott’s looks, with many suggesting the reality star “looks like he’s lost weight.” The Kardashians fans will know he’s been dealing with some health issues over the past year.

Scott Disick’s weight loss worries fans

This February, Scott shared he had a psychic reading carried out by Chris Riley. Sharing a snippet of his reading to Instagram prompted a lot of responses from his fans.

Scott captioned his post: “You guys, I’ve always been skeptical of mediums but I was recommended to Chris by a friend of mine. I have to share some of it with you! It was crazy the things Chris knew about me that I have never told anyone. Speechless.”

Many of the Hulu star’s followers took to the comments section to ask if he’s “OK” or “sick” after seeing him during the reading.

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One fan shared their worries, writing: “You lost a lot of weight and look good but a bit skinny and sound a little off… just want to make sure you are ok – a little concerned… hope all is well.”

The Kardashians star had a health scare

Though Scott hasn’t responded to the comments about him “looking unhealthy,” or “losing weight,” he openly shared a health scare he had during The Kardashians last season.

Kourtney Kardashian Barker‘s ex went for an MRI scan during the show.

Thankfully, Scott’s diagnosis wasn’t serious on the show. Khloé Kardashian was by his side during his visit to the sports rehabilitation center and he was told he was “on the cusp of needing surgery” for a back injury.

Khloé recommended Scott see her doctor, Doctor Pat to avoid having surgery later down the line.

During the same The Kardashians episode, Khloé explains Scott is looking the “unhealthiest she’d ever seen him.”

The 40-year-old had been involved in a car accident, something he explained during The Kardashians season 3.

His Lamborghini flipped on its side but he managed to get out of the crash physically unharmed. Scott’s injuries caused him be be less mobile and he therefore started gaining weight.

Now, Scott’s likely been in the injury rehabilitation process Khloé suggested, and his looks have changed due to weight loss.

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